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The Heteroerotism of Homosexuality

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Let us talk about sex. Birds do it, Bees do it. Frankie and Johnny sitting in a tree K-i-ss and ing. Amazing that humans have existent for million or billions of years, depending on whose calculating and we still have a juvenile understanding. Factors have contributed to humanity lack of understanding of itself are: norms, cultures, religions, and integration of communities. Reflective of society is its media, included in the term “media” are; stage, social media, film, and television. Media not only reflects its society, the media, is also a tool /method to introduce new concepts in theories, ideas, and revelations about the society it represents. The sexual behavior component of human nature is the focused topic.

Will and Grace
A 1998 show localized New York City has plot is about two best friends Will and Grace, male and female gender, the female, Grace was portrayed as heterosexual who is unsure of her life’s direction and seek guidance from Will. The male Will was portrayed as goal minded stoic professional businessman who is homosexual. The sitcom was nominated for 83 Emmy Awards, and won 16 of those awards and seven GLAAD Media Awards. and honored by the Smithsonian’s LGBT history collection. Their friendship and daily exploits including politics, employment, romantic relationships, and sexual encounters are the show’s premise.

Counterbalance supporting characters are; Grace’s employee Karen Walker, a female New York socialite, who is in heterosexual long-term marriage; and Jack (just Jack!) Will’s friend, who is over the top flighty stereotype per sonication of a homosexual man. The sexual behaviors which are prominent in the show includes; solitary, partner, autoerotisms and all eroticism. This paper uses observations method to study the sexual behaviors, sexual types, and the show effects on its audience.
The Acceptable of Sexual Behavior Narrative of Will and Grace
Will & Grace has been a driving force in the showcasing homosexuality as a reality in society.

It does this by the method of heterosexualization of homosexuality into mainstream culture by displaying shared sexual behaviors between the characters as heterosocial. The accomplished this through humor using taglines, innuendos, and jokes. Sexual behavior is written and produced in satire that reflects the character’s changing psychosocial development social structure. The theories or definition of sexual behavior Sexual behavior refers to a broad spectrum of behaviors in which humans display their sexuality.
These behavioral expressions contain both biological elements and cultural influences and involves sexual arousal (with its physiological changes, both pronounced and subtle, in the aroused person). Sexual behavior ranges from the solitary (such as masturbation and autoerotic stimulation) to partnered sex (intercourse, oral sex, non-penetrative sex, etc.) that is engaged in periodically. Sexual behavior can also involve behavior that is aimed at arousing desire in potential partners (alloeroticism, heteroerotism,) (courtship displays or rituals) or behavior aimed at enhancing sexual experiences (foreplay, BDSM, etc.) (foreplay, BDSM, etc.) Sexual Behavior. (n.d.). In Alleydog.com’s online glossary. Retrieved from: https://www.alleydog.com/glossary/definition-cit.php?term=Sexual+Behavior

Character Karen Walker: We talked, we laughed, he walked me home. He was such a gentleman. He opened the door for me, I opened my shirt for him. https://thoughtcatalog.com/christine-stockton/2013/09/the-50-very-best-karen-walker-one-liners-from-will-grace/
The ritual of flirtation to obtain a sexual partner is defined in the term heteroerotism. The written humor, in this episode is aimed to reflect how Karen’s uses this sexual behavior. Though, the implications imply assertive nonverbal and verbal communications from the female gender, it does not adhere to cultural social skills norms, where the female gender is rewarded for not displaying direct, overt aggression and are passive as participants in sexual activity. Social construct in the symbolism of language also reflects social views of women as passive and men as active participants in sexual activity. (Wood 104)
The focus is intimacy between people who are not in a non-committed relationship, and in the case Generational xer Karen Walker, the degree of intimacy that is socially appropriate for a first date within trending society norms..

Social Construct of Sexual Behavior
Kissing, licking, or nibbling at other parts of the body—such as the abdomen, breasts, ears, or genitals—is also considered particularly intimate by many. (Kelly 327). These sexual behaviors are frequently lead to a more direct definition of shared behaviors, specifically virgina, oral or anal intercourse. Sexual intercourse has both psychological and physical ramifications if the individual involved have not developed the stages of Dr. Sigmund Freud’s ego and/or Erick Erikson’s six stages of intimacy vs isolation in the theories of psychosocial development. (HQ, 2018) Whereas participants are psychological and biological prepared to enter a beneficial shared sexual behavior.

Survey Data
Datings Review.com
First date intimacy survey performed by Datings Review.com states that they surveyed 5,000 women and men regarding intimacy on the first date, age grouping not given. The following are the respondents’ answers: Kissing was approved 90% by male and female, though males kiss more than females, the difference 88 % male and 65% female. Hand holding was welcomed on the first date. Hugs/cuddling. 76% males preferred, and 56% females agreed. New Yorker male’s 41% percent stated that sex on the first date is appropriate, 31% men agreed with first date shared sexual behavior. Only 2% of female and 10 % of males stated that they had sex on the first date. (Datings review, 2018)
A nationality and gender survey, 1000 responders include both male and female gender. Seventy-six percent of European and American men are willing to have sex on the first date. While only 42 percent of European women and 37 percent of American women will participate in shared sexual behaviors on the first date. (zavamed.com, 2018)
Singles in America study 2016 survey finds a shift back toward traditional sexual behaviors morals. Millennials (age grouping: 22 years old to 37) are 51% more likely than Baby Boomers (born between 1946- and 1964) to have no interest in sex.: 28% of Millennials use sex to see to determined psychological attachment. 40% of Millennials believes intimacy and commitment is a part of sexual behavior. (Newswire, 2018)
America’s Sexual Behavior
Primetime Live’s 2014 telephone poll of 1,501 participants.
Of the 1,501 random participants 26% stated that they had first date sex 42% of men stated that they had sex on the first date, yet 17% percent of women stated the same. The 17% of the woman who polled in the 17%, stated they view themselves as sexually adventurous, and are most likely to be above average in numbers of sex partners. (ANALYSIS BY GARY LANGER, ARNEDT and SUSSMAN, 2018)
Media and Sexual Behaviors
Learned consisted behavior brings about consist results. Current media; television, movies theaters, social media, and stages across America on a consisted base portrays human sexual behavior in a 24 hour never ending rotating cycle. The effects on its society, can be viewed as secondary influencer on a community norm. Researchers have found that after being exposed to to a sexual behavior participation have increased with 24 hours. (Kelly 324). Analyses estimate that sexual content appears in 85% of major motion pictures, 82% of television programs. The portrays of sexual behaviors can range from the explicit, implied, reality, fictional, comical or serious, conveyed via talk or behavior. (Ward et al., 2018)

Summary and Conclusion
The character Karen Walker is a Generational x’er, which is the population that was born between 1960’s – 1980’s. Generational x has been termed the “lost generation”. Old enough to desire the continuation of rebellion against social norms displayed by the Baby Boomer generation, yet they are more responsible that the “flower children” young rebellious adults of the 1960’s and 1970’s Generation Xers, enjoys the strengthen security of the United States, earned by Baby Boomers, the sexual freedom of the Flower Children of the 1960’s and 1970’s. The have gained the repercussions of both former generations and the accountability to usher in the new generation within a happy median. Generation Xers differentiate from their former generations, technology growth was exponential and modern medicine advances made during their developmental years. In this growth development, Generational xers went from 3 major media T.V channels too 24-hour cable network, social media, and the internet. Along for the ride was an explosion of sexual behaviors portrayed in all media. 40 is the new 20, generation x, were mature, understood their bodies, the majority are economical sound and their children are entering adulthood and going off to begin their lives. Generation x’ers, now well placed in the new middle age, begin exploring their sexualities appreciation and the media played its part as instructor, and gave blessings to sexual behavior freedom with remembrance of repercussions of sexual transmittal diseases epidemic of the former decades. Karen Walker’s actions are perfectly normal, and expected, due to her age and social construct for her generation and reflects the growing trend of freedom in responsible sexual behavior.

January 2025
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